The different grades of cedars
April 1st, 2020
Wild cedar
The wild cedar often comes from swampy forest or lowland.
These puny plants, weak and devoid of real mass of greenery, are sold in large quantity and stored for long periods of time, before being transported, waiting to find a taker. Often these can remain for weeks with the roots exposed to the air. Wild cedars being advantageous for small budgets, beware it is not uncommon to have to change the entire hedge following the purchase of a set of defective cedars stored for too long and neglect.
Semi Cultivated
Semi-cultivated cedars a pale version of cultivated cedars. The semi cultivated being of lower quality of its less dense foliage than the cultivated it is often characterized by its lack of maintenance (supplement, watering, attention of a professional, weeding) during its growth in the field simply said it is of a tree leave to poor growing conditions in an environment that is controllable.
Grown in the field
The grown in field cedar is a tree with full foliage and provided with a noble appearance the attention to detail testifies to the result a tree maintained, nourishes, inspects, a job well done in the field gives dice magical result.
Grown in pots
Cedar grown in pots essentially yields flawless results equally with a difference. Constrained for several years the roots swirl in the shape of the pot, in other words, this tree which was once confined to its pot will never have a root system as complete and deployed as a bare-root cedar, which will take back its root system from random as nature does so well.
Even after several years the cedar will not have the same solidity in the bad weather, strong winds, etc.