How to prepare the installation of your cedar hedge?
March 24th, 2020
5 steps to make the right decision.
Take note of places, for example; the terrain, the
number of windows overlooking the privatized area.
Select the location where the hedge will be installed and the setbacks from the lot line. A good method is to rely on the certificate of location. It is also very effective to consult these neighbours about the installation of your cedars, usually they are very cooperative.
Establish the distance to cover (length of the cedar hedge) consequently you will obtain a measurement either in linear meter or in linear foot which will establish the number of cedars necessary for your installation project. Note that not all cedars cover the same way, to be continued …
Establish the type of soil in the area to be worked, Clayey / sandy / rocky. Then take note that cedars require a specific pH so it is very important to assess the pH of it.
Then visualize well what type of cedar hedge you would like to suddenly reach maturity and the expected time to get your private, from this reflection will result the height of the cedar to install.
After following these first steps, you can get your hands dirty or turn to a qualified contractor to help you.